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Home > Pain Relief > 3-in-1 Knee Massager
Top Orthopedic Surgeon: This Is The Secret Of How I Relieved My Daily Knee Pain And Osteoarthritis
If you struggle with knee pain, bone-on-bone arthritis, or discomfort in your knees, read this short article right now before you do anything else.
3,791 Ratings
By Dr. James Barkley
{{MMMM dd, yyyy}}
Hi, my name is Dr. Barkley and I’m an orthopedic surgeon from Chicago.

I have 10 years of clinical experience and clocked in well over 10,000 hours.

Throughout my career, I’ve helped over 1100 patients who came to me with all kinds of knee problems…
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Knee Pain
  • Joint Stiffness
  • Tendonitis
You name it.

I’ve seen it all.

From mild stiffness and swelling… 

To severe bone-on-bone arthritis… 

Knee Pain So Severe It Felt Like Stabbing
But it wasn’t until earlier this year that I truly cracked the code to provide relief from chronic knee pain.

It all started with a personal Breakthrough Discovery I had earlier this year.

One night I was pouring through clinical studies on knee pain and arthritis, and I stumbled across something that shocked me.
The Real Root Cause of Knee Pain
What if I told you that the knee pain and stiffness you feel are caused by the wear and tear of your cartilage, leading to bone-on-bone friction?

It sounds severe, but it’s true.

Our knees are crucial for our mobility, and they bear the brunt of our body weight every day. They act as shock absorbers, cushioning the impact from walking, running, and other daily activities.

As the cartilage wears away over time, the bones start to rub against each other, causing intense pain and discomfort. This friction leads to discomfort, swelling, and a significant reduction in mobility.

Most of us would like to blame an isolated event, like a sudden twist or fall, for our knee pain. However, the truth of the matter is that the root cause is often accumulated pressure and stress that has been building up on our knee joints every single day.

Even if you suffer an injury, it's usually preceded by the gradual wear and tear on your knees. Years of repetitive movements, poor posture, and lack of proper care weaken the cartilage, setting the stage for injuries to happen more easily.

Imagine your knees as a car's shock absorbers. If you keep driving on rough roads without maintenance, eventually, the shock absorbers will fail. Similarly, constant use and strain without adequate support and recovery lead to the deterioration of knee cartilage.

This accumulated stress is why popular remedies like over-the-counter pain meds, knee braces, and ointments can’t solve the problem—they only provide temporary relief and don't address the underlying issue. 
Here's the bad news...

As you age and continue to put stress on your knees, the cartilage deteriorates. And when this happens, you start experiencing severe pain due to the bones rubbing together. 

This can lead to more serious knee conditions if left untreated.

You need a solution that not only alleviates pain but also promotes blood flow to the affected area and releases the stiff muscle tissue surrounding the knee joints.
So what's the solution?

You need to alleviate the pressure from the joints and promote blood flow to the painful area...

And release the stiff muscle tissue surrounding the joints.

But how do you do that?

Many experts will give you contradicting advice. 

Some will tell you that you need to stretch and move, while others will tell you to take it easy, rest, and maybe sell you some expensive supplements.

But let’s be honest… 

If that worked, you wouldn’t be reading this article in the first place. 

Furthermore, when your knees are throbbing with pain, going through intense stretching or exercise sessions is unfortunately out of question.

That’s why most people never really solve this problem and are stuck with chronic knee pain their entire lives.

Luckily, there’s a better solution.
Get Relief From Knee Pain at Home in Just 15 Minutes Per Day (Without Strenuous Exercise)
It's all possible thanks to an innovative treatment called “Triple Method Therapy”.

This breakthrough therapy combines advanced soothing heat therapy, therapeutic massage, and dynamic compression to enhance blood circulation and promote healing.

It works by applying these therapies simultaneously to your knees…

To stimulate blood flow, reduce stiffness, and release the tense muscles around the joints.
Here’s how these technologies works synergistically together:

Dynamic Compression: Automatically adjusts to apply the ideal amount of pressure, stimulating blood circulation and encouraging cellular repair. This increased blood flow helps to deliver vital oxygen and nutrients to the affected area, reducing inflammation and promoting faster recovery.

Heat Therapy: Heat therapy gently warms your knee, stimulating blood flow and reducing stiffness. The warmth relaxes the muscles and tendons around the knee joint, making them more pliable and less prone to pain.

Massage Therapy: Therapeutic massage targets the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around your knee. It helps to release tension, improve flexibility, and enhance range of motion. The gentle massaging action also aids in lubricating the joints, reducing friction and discomfort.

These therapies work together seamlessly to address the root cause of knee pain by alleviating pressure on the joints, promoting blood flow to the painful area, and releasing the stiff muscle tissue surrounding the knee joints.

The only problem was that this technology wasn’t available to an average Joe. It was very expensive and reserved for high-end clinics.

So I partnered up with a U.S. biotech startup called RejuvaKnee.

These guys are known for making some of the best pain relief devices that have helped more than 300,000 men and women across America.

And together, we solved this problem once and for all.
RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager is one of the first devices that use “3-in-1 Knee Therapy” to provide comprehensive relief for knee pain, bone-on-bone arthritis, and knee discomfort.

When you put it on, the device will start applying red light therapy, heat therapy, and massage therapy to your knees. This combination therapy addresses the root cause of knee pain.
  • Dynamic compression joint stability.
  • Heat therapy stimulates blood flow, reducing stiffness and pain.
  • Massage therapy improves flexibility and range of motion by working on muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the knee.
As a result, the pain and discomfort in your knees will slowly go away.

But don’t take my word for it…

At the moment of writing this, thousands of people around the world are using RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager to relieve their knee pain.

Finally you too can experience the soothing relief of the RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager and take the first step towards a life with less pain and more freedom.

Our products have more than 4,000 5-star reviews on TrustPilot alone.
Charlotte Hudson
It's truly worth every penny
Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2024
Verified Purchase
I decided to try this massager because it’s reasonably priced. I have been struggling with knee pain and stiffness for the past year, and the pain was unbearable. The day I received it, I used it 3 different times. It was so painful to use initially because my knee was so tense. But I stuck with it, and with each use, my knee got better and better. And it wasn’t painful to use anymore. I use it at least once in the morning and once in the evening, and each cycle lasts about 15 minutes. But you can turn it on and let it run another cycle…the battery lasts a long time before needing to recharge. I’ve used it for an hour or more in 15-minute increments, and it hasn’t run out. Then I recharge it so it will be ready the next time I use it. It’s easy to use and put on, and there are 3 different levels of pressure and 3 different massage types you can choose. Definitely recommend this product. Comes with the charging cord, extra Velcro strips, and instructions. It’s been a lifesaver for me!
63 people found this helpful
William Boxall
This works!! Blew my mind at how fast I got results
Reviewed in the United States on {{MMMM dd, yyyy}}
Verified Purchase
The BEST affordable product for knee pain and arthritis. My mother and I have really poor circulation issues and severe knee pain. So much so, it's painful, and you can't relax or sleep. Been like this for years. In a desperate attempt to gain relief, I purchased this just for me to test it out. I used it on both knees before bed, and I was falling asleep comfortably FINALLY. Within a month, I don't even need it at all now. Pain in my knees went from 8/10 to 2/10. SO HAPPY WITH THIS PRODUCT!!!! So much so, I bought my mom and elder stepfather one, and my mother asked me where I bought it. I asked her why what is wrong? She said NOTHING this thing is amazing. It looks so basic I thought it was just going to be another dud that doesn't help but now I can finally sleep well it feels great and helps so much. So you have two happy customers thank you. If you are not taking a risk on this product...too bad, so sad for are missing out. Love the affordability and hope it stays that way.
37 people found this helpful
This Device Has Helped Thousands Of People Relieve Knee Pain and Arthritis
And I’m confident that it’s going to help you too .

Just imagine… 
  • No more struggling to walk without pain.
  • No more shame because your knees look swollen and stiff.
  • No more pain and discomfort that keeps you trapped in your own body.
That’s all possible with the RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager.

And the best part? 

It only takes 15 minutes per day to notice a difference.

All you need to do is wrap the  RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager around your knees… Use the buttons to select the mode and the intensity…

And then just sit back and relax for 15 minutes while it does its magic.

Now, I know you probably have two main questions…
How Can You Get Your Hands on the RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager?
…And what’s the price?

Well, the first question is a tricky one…

Because it takes us a lot of time and money to build this device…

From expensive parts that we have to source from all over the world… To countless tests that every device has to go through before it’s cleared…

So we are at a constant risk of running out of stock.

Our team is working around the clock to create enough Rejuvaknee "Triple Method" Massagers for everyone in need.

But I hate to admit that we are currently failing at that.

The demand is just too big.

Folks who have tested the RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager and experienced the relief are now asking us for more devices for their families and friends.

Not to mention the thousands of patients I’ve worked with in my clinic.

They were thrilled when I told them about the device that I created and I’m sure that many of them are placing their orders right now.

All this makes our stock run out quickly every time we get a new shipment.

Now, if you are reading this article, it means that we probably have a few massagers left in stock, otherwise, we would’ve taken the page down.

But unfortunately, we cannot guarantee for how much longer.
We Could Sell Out Tomorrow… Or Maybe Even Today
And once that happens…

Once we do run out of stock…

It could take us anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to get back in stock because these devices take quite a long time to build.

So if you are serious about reducing knee pain and arthritis…

I recommend you DO NOT leave this page…

Because this may be your only chance to get the RejuvaKnee Knee Massager and experience the relief you’ve been praying for.

So without further ado, let me show you how you can get your RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager today.
RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager Is NOT Available Anywhere Else Except on Our Official Website
You won’t find it in retail stores. You won’t find it on Amazon or eBay.

If you see something similar, that’s just a cheap knockoff.

The only place where you can buy the real, authentic Rejuvaknee "Triple Method" Massager is our official website  where it’s selling for just $119.99.

Given how sophisticated the technology behind it is and how quickly our users experience relief, this is an absolute steal.

To put it into perspective, when we hired business & marketing consultants to help us launch the device to the market, they told us to charge $800 .

It certainly made sense from a business perspective.

But I’m not a businessman. I’m a doctor.

And my only goal with this device is to help as many people as possible.
We Priced It at 1/2 of What All the Marketing Experts Recommended
Just $119.99.

So even if you use it for just one year... And only once a day...

That's only .32 cents per therapy which would normally cost hundreds!

And guess what? You’ll probably use it way more than that.

RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager is built to last. You'll be enjoying massages for years and years to come, as many times per day as you please.

So it will end up being way less than 32 cents per therapy.

When you put it like this, you realize what an amazing deal this is.
  • One investment of $119.99 for years and years of massages.
  • One investment of $119.99 for life without knee pain and arthritis.
  • It's a once-in-a-lifetime deal.
And I know you know it.

But I also know that some of you simply can’t afford it.

With everything that's going on in the world...

Inflation running rampant…

Prices going up...

$119.99 is a lot of money.

And look… I didn’t lie when I said that this isn’t about money for me.

I want this thing to help as many people as possible.

And I don’t want money to stand in the way of that mission .

So to ensure that everyone in need has a chance to put their hands on RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager…
I Decided to Offer a Special Limited-Time Discount and Let You Have Your Own RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager at 33% OFF
That’s just $79.99!

This is the lowest price we’ll ever offer.

And I'm only able to guarantee it for today.

So if you are ready to take advantage of the best deal you’ll ever get

And get your RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager at a fraction of the price…

Make sure to click the big button below and grab it while you still can!

As I said earlier, we manufactured a limited number of massagers in this batch. And we're selling out faster than anyone could have anticipated.

So it’s only a matter of time before we run out completely.

And when that happens… Well, you’ll pretty much miss out.

Not just that you’ll have to wait until the next batch is manufactured - which can take weeks if not months…

But you’ll also find a new price that will be higher.

Let me be super clear about it:

You'll never be able to buy a RejuvaKnee "triple Method" Massager cheaper than today.

This is the best deal you will ever get.

And this may be the only time you see it.

So without further ado, click below to place your order.
GET 50% OFF RejuvaKnee
"Triple Method" Massager Now!
You Have 90 Days to Test the Product With Next To No Risk!
Yes, you heard me right.

I'm giving you a 90-day TRIAL period .

You have 90 full days to experiment with the RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager and see how well it all works .

If it works as advertised, you are welcome to keep it and use it forever to keep knee pain at bay.

But if for ANY reason you are not happy with your purchase…

And you feel like there are better solutions out there…

Just let us know anytime in the next 90 days and you’ll get your money back that same day, no questions asked.

It doesn’t matter if it’s 89 minutes or 89 days after the purchase…

Our team at RejuvaKnee will make sure that you only pay if you are 100% in love with the product. In any other case, it’s on us.

Fair enough?

Oh, and no worries…

Our team is so easy to access, so there will be no hassle.

You can email us at .

Or you can call us at +1 (302) 261 2613     

Even if you just have questions about the product.

Our dedicated customer service team will get back to you WITHIN MINUTES. No matter when you call us, we’re available 24/7.

Now that’s what I call a RISK-FREE offer .

We made sure that from the moment you click that button below…

You, your time, and your money are protected and safe!

There’s literally ZERO risk involved today.
Here’s What to Do Next
If there’s stock left, you should see below a big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button.

Click that big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.
GET 50% OFF RejuvaKnee
"Triple Method" Massager Now!
It’s going to take you straight to RejuvaKnee’s official, encrypted website.

If there’s stock left, you will get there the special one-time deal reserved for the reader’s of this article.

If there’s no stock left, you will be asked for an email address to be reminded when the product is back in stock.

Next, all you need to do is click the button that says “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” and your discount code will be automatically applied.

From there, you’ll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information.

…And select your favorite package…
For Maximum Results, I Suggest That You Choose Their Most Popular, 2x Knee Massagers Option
This option is also recommended by Dr. Barkley and here’s why…

You have 2 knees… And chances are both of them are stiff and painful…

So you want to ensure equal support for both of them.

But even if you’re thinking

“I only struggle with aches and pains in one knee…
I don’t need to care for the second one.”

It’s simply not true.
Have You Ever Heard of The “Overuse Syndrome”?
See… When you have aches and pains in one knee… You instinctively start to rely more on the other knee to minimize the discomfort and avoid further injury…

This changes how you walk, stand, climb stairs, or perform daily tasks.

Over time… This causes a buildup of stress on the unaffected knee, potentially causing overuse injuries, muscle imbalances, or joint issues.

This happens because your body is trying to maintain functionality and mobility by redistributing the load away from the area that’s painful, stiff, and swollen…

Which can place too much stress on your other knee.

That’s why it’s important to address the root cause of the pain…

And ensure a balanced recovery approach to prevent further complications.

And that’s why we’ve have decided to do something special for you, the reader of my blog post.

For the first time ever… If you decide to opt in for a discounted pair of 2 RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massagers…

Right now you can get them at an incredible discount…

That’s right.

You can now get your hands on 2 RejuvaKnee Massagers for ONLY $67.50 per massager + FREE US Shipping!

Remember… We offer this massager on our website for $119.99 per unit!

That’s over $105 in EXTRA SAVINGS PER UNIT!

And it gets better!

You can even get an even bigger discount on a bundle of 4x RejuvaKnee Massagers.

That’s because we save a lot of money on shipping when they send bigger orders - and we’re happy to share those savings with you.

So if you know someone who could benefit from the RejuvaKnee Massager - be it a friend, a family member, or a colleague at work…

Or if you simply want to take advantage of this special deal…

I suggest you take advantage of this one-time offer and get RejuvaKnee Massager at the lowest price ever.

If you get a set of 4 RejuvaKnee Massagers, you’ll only pay $54.95 per massager… The lowest price ever!

So click the big green button below and order your RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massagers today at up to 50% OFF!
GET 50% OFF RejuvaKnee
"Triple Method" Massager Now!
Remember, There Is ZERO Risk
The only risk you could possibly face…

Is one of pain and regret if you miss out on the opportunity to get your RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massagers at this massive discount.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what’s going to happen if you decide to let this opportunity pass. I’ve seen it so many times with other patients.

And let me tell you, it’s NOT good.

You'll keep wasting time on ineffective pain relief methods that don’t address the real cause of the problem.

You may experience some temporary relief now and then…

And maybe even fool yourself that you can live your life like this…

But the pain and stiffness will only get worse.

I’m not saying this to SCARE you. I just want to WARN you.

Because if left untreated, this can turn into a much bigger problem.

That's why the decision you make today will be one of the most important decisions of your life.

So... What is it going to be?

Are you going to say "NO" to this opportunity and take your chances?

OR are you going to do the right thing... Order one, two, or three  RejuvaKnee "triple Method" Massagers… And spend the next 90 days working on recovery?
Remember… This is not just about you.

This is about your family - who will be worried about you constantly if you lose your mobility because you don’t want to try to get better.

This is about your grandkids who will never get to play with you because your knee pain will be holding you back.

This is about your partner who will have to get used to living alone while you are still there - because you will be a shell of yourself.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to give it a shot.
  • You can turn things around.
  • You can get the relief that you’ve been looking for.
  • You can get your old life back and enjoy the rest of your life.
Many of my patients have already done it. You can do it too.

All you need is a little assistance from the finest pain relief device that I know exists - our RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager.

So without further ado…

If you are ready to do the right thing…

Click that big green button below to order your RejuvaKnee "Triple Method" Massager.

And remember - If it doesn’t work as promised, you don’t pay.
GET 50% OFF RejuvaKnee
"Triple Method" Massager Now!
UPDATE: As of {{MMMM dd, yyyy}} - The demand for RejuvaKnee has increased dramatically and inventory has been flying off the shelves. Order your own for 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING before it's too late.
Lock in your order while you can to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to  City
NOTE: This deal is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
Guaranteed Safe and Secure Checkout
No-Hassle Returns
Fast Shipping
GET 50% OFF RejuvaKnee
"Triple Method" Massager Now!
Finally Get Instant Relief From Bone-on-Bone Knee Pain

GET 50% OFF 


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  • Wilma Devon

    Can anybody vouch for this?

    ·  Reply ·  4 ·  39 min

    • Mary Vernon

      Hey...This thing is fantastico! My knee constantly aches. This machine has taken care of that. This past year I have had severe knee pain due to fracturing my kneecap and then finding out I had patellar tendinitis along with my kneecap being slightly dislocated. This massager works awesome after a hard day on my knee. Hopefully it will help you too.

      ·  Reply ·  7 ·  16 min

  • Doris Skylar

    I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

    ·  Reply ·  4 ·  51 min

  • Skyler Greig

    How long does shipping take??

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  1 h

    • Marie Campbell

      Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

      ·  Reply ·  2 ·  24 min

  • Leonard Boyd

    Bought this for my wife, who has had a botched knee replacement and a subsequent second surgery. She has been so uncomfortable for so many months. In only a couple of days she's walking much better.

    ·  Reply ·  6 ·  1 h

  • Emma Emerson

    Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions

    ·  Reply ·  2 ·  2 h

    • Lois Clive

      Wow, this is crazy, have ordered two now!

      ·  Reply ·  3 ·  1 h

  • Alfred Johnson

    Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

    ·  Reply ·  2 ·  2 h

    • Edith Ashton

      For me 7 business days.

      ·  Reply ·  5 ·  2 h

  • Debra Peyton

    Should have bought it earlier. It's so nice to have the heat while the massager is running, very relaxing. Also the vibration and airbag pressure help massage my knee from pain, I will use it everyday before going to sleep.

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  3 h

  • Paula Remington

    Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  3 h

    • Sarah Dudley

      Yes, It comes well packed and I have used this for several weeks. It fits my knees comfortably. I like the size and how it feels on my knees. The vibration massage and heat can do work for my knees and helps a lot, especially for bad weather because it really reduced the discomfort and keeps me warm.

      ·  Reply ·  3 ·  2 h

  • Agnes Graeme

    I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

    ·  Reply ·  4 ·  3 h

  • Barbara Bradly

    I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

    ·  Reply ·  8 ·  3 h

  • Ethel Dean

    Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  4 h

    • Clara Milton

      Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

      ·  Reply ·  2 ·  2 h

    • Emma Shelby

      Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

      ·  Reply ·  2 ·  1 h

  • Harry Keegan

    Superb relaxation, HEATING (lots of heating,)Rechargeable, It's not too bulky, so you can take it anywhere, Cheaper than other massagers, Does what it says, Three intensity options. It's a great product with fast shipping! My wife loves it

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  4 h

  • Bridget Prescott

    Love this massager totally!

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  4 h

  • Anna Madison

    I was a skeptic ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This is worth it. I recently had Hip Replacement surgery (Jan 2023) after the surgery it was an success but my knee however was in severe pain due to nerve damage but this helped me out a lot. My knee is healed. Thank you to the company who made this.

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  5 h

  • Clara Milton

    I absolutely love my massager, had to get one for my daughter today since she wont stop using mine!

    ·  Reply ·  2 ·  5 h

    • Kate Orson

      OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time

      ·  Reply·  5 ·  2 h

  • Isabella Mayson

    Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight to get some relief from my bone on bone knee pain.

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  5 h

MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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